Urgent Care Specialist

Oradell Family Dentist

Dr. Judy Schmutter

Cosmetic & General Dentist located in Oradell, NJ

When dental problems need urgent care, patients in Oradell, New Jersey can find relief from Dr. Schmutter at Oradell Family Dentist.

Urgent Care Q & A

What are some common dental emergencies?

Some of the most common dental problems that require urgent care can include:

  • Trauma or injury – this includes the teeth, mouth, or full face
  • Infection – causes the swelling to the gums, face, or mouth
  • Severe pain - discomfort or pain in the gums, face, or mouth that is unmanageable

What if I have a dental injury?

If your mouth or teeth are injured, you should ice the area and contact your dentist as soon as possible. An x-ray of the teeth is usually required to determine the extent of the injury. If a tooth has been dislodged, knocked out of place, or fractured, it can sometimes be reattached. If you wear braces and sustain an injury, this should be considered an emergency because of the added tension caused by the wires on the teeth.

What else is considered an emergency?

Most dental issues can wait for a standard appointment, but sometimes there are dental situations that require urgent care, such as:

  • A poking wire - You should have orthodontic wax on hand to cover the end of a wire. While wires that stick out will eventually need to be fixed, you can cover the end momentarily with the wax so the flesh inside your mouth doesn’t get injured. You might need to visit the office to get some or to repair the wire.
  • Severe Pain - Most common causes of pain include debris that is lodged under the gum line; a lost filling; a broken or cracked tooth; or an infection. Only a complete examination can determine the underlying cause of severe pain. Prior to an appointment, apply ice to the area for ten to twenty minutes each hour. If you suspect a broken jaw, do not move your jaw. Secure it in place with a handkerchief tied over the top of the head. Use a compress to reduce swelling and go to the emergency room.

In any of these situations, you should seek help as soon as possible. Dr. Schmutter at Oradell Family Dentist can treat a wide range of urgent dental problems, including same day crowns and dental emergencies.


We accept most PPO insurances. Please call us if you have any questions!

Delta Dental
Principal Dental
United Concordia PPO
United Healthcare